Sunday, 1 November 2015

Inktober 2015

OK #inktober is over, so i've decided to return to my "blog"and eventualy to start posting more often...

Day 1 #inktober : ))
BB bic pen study based on my photo from the zoo.

Day 2 #inktober
Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis)
Bic pen and white Pentel Hybrid Gel pen study on toned paper. 
Based on my references from the zoo.

Day 3 #inktober
Juv. Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) from the Sofia zoo. 
Bic pen and white Pentel HybrydGel pen on toned paper.

Day 4 #inktober
Lesser Kestrel. Sketched from plastic model and video reference. Not so happy with it, but i've learned a lot for the bird from that study.
Bic pen and white Pentel HybrydGel pen on toned paper.

Day 5 #inktober
Domestic pigeon (Columba livia domestica)
Bic pen and very little white Pentel HybrydGel pen on toned paper.

Day 6 
Pica pica
Bic pen and white Pentel HybrydGel pen on toned paper.

Day 7 #inktober
Bic pen and white Pentel HybrydGel pen on toned paper.

Day 8 #inktober
Sand Martin (Riparia RIparia) study. 
Bic pen and Pentel HybrydGel Pen sketch on toned paper.

Day 9 #inktober
Quick sketch of the zoo's sulphur-crested cockatoo

Day 10 #inktober
Another zoo beauty : ))
Bic pen and first try of my UniBall white gel pen on toned paper

Day 11 #inktober
Back on track with Eurasian Stone-curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus) 
Bic pen and white UniBall gel pen sketch on toned paper. Based on video footage.

Day 12 #inktober
Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) study based on video footage.
Bic pen and white UniBall gel pen sketch on toned paper.

Day 13 #inktober
Common Cuckoo
Bic pen and white UniBall gel pen sketch on toned paper.

Day 14 #inktober
Kentish Plover study based on video footage.
Bic pen and white UniBall gel pen sketch on toned paper.

Day 15 #inktober
Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) study based on video again. 
Bic pen and white UniBall gel pen sketch on toned paper.

Day 16 #inktober
Ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres) quick sketch. 
Bic pen and white UniBall gel pen sketch on toned paper.

Day 17 #inktober
Great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus) really quick sketch based on video footage again.
Bic pen and white UniBall gel pen sketch on toned paper.

Day 18 #inktober
Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) 
Bic pen and white UniBall gel pen sketch on toned paper.

Day 19 #inktober
White-throated dipper (Cinclus cinclus) study based on some video footage.
Bic pen and white UniBall gel pen sketch on toned paper.

Day 20 #inktober
Unfinished study of a ruff (Philomachus pugnax). Really beautiful and interesting bird.
Bic pen and white UniBall gel pen sketch on toned paper.

Day 21 #inktober
Another unfinished study. Meadow pipit (Anthus pratensis)
Bic pen and white gel pen on toned paper.

Day 22 #inktober
Black Tern (Chlidonias niger) fast sketch.
Bic pen and white gel pen on toned paper.

Day 23 #inktober
Sternula albifrons...not really happy with that one
Bic pen and white gel pen on toned paper.

Day 24 #inktober
Study sketch for a painting of a Sylvia curruca in a tree from some video footage. 
Bic pen and white gel pen on toned paper.

Day 25 #inktober
Study sketch of an Osprey. 
Bic pen and white gel pen on toned paper.

Day 26 #inktober
Great Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus)
Bic pen and white gel pen on toned paper.

Day 27 #inktober 
Moustached Warbler (Acrocephalus melanopogon) fast and dirty sketch. When you are too tired, but don't want to miss another day from the chalenge...
Shaking hands holding Bic pen and white gel pen on toned paper. 

Day 28 #inktober
Falco subbuteo head study based on video footage. 
Bic pen and white gel pen on toned paper.

Day 29 #inktober
Marsh Tit (Poecile palustris) study. 
Bic pen and white gel pen on toned paper.

Day 30 #inktober
Willow Tit (Poecile montanus) study
Bic pen and white gel pen on toned paper

Day 31 #inktober 
Sombre Tit (Poecile lugubris) study
Bic pen and white gel pen on toned paper

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